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코랩에서 TPU 사용하기 (JAX)

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이력서와 포트폴리오를 한 번에 채우는 디자인 프로젝트 (전액 무료)

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DataGemma 소개

구글의 Data Commons라는 방대한 공공 데이터 저장소와 대규모 언어 모델(LLM)을 연결하는 실험적 오픈 모델인 DataGemma가 릴리즈 되었네요. 상세한 정보는 https://ai.google.dev/gemma/docs/datagemma 이 링크를 참고하시기 바랍니다.크게 두가지 방식으로 활용가능한데요. Retrieval-Interleaved Generation (RIG)과 Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)입니다. Retrieval-Interleaved Generation (RIG)사용자 쿼리: 사용자가 질문을 입력합니다.초기 응답 생성: DataGemma 모델이 초기 응답과 Data Commons 쿼리를 동시에 생성합니다.데이터 검색 및 수정: Data Commons에서 정확한 데이터를 검색하고 초기 응답의 부정확한 정보를 대체합니다.최종 응답 제공: 수정된 응답과 함께 데이터 출처 링크를 사용자에게 제시합니다.아래는 제공된 코랩 소스코드를 실행한 결과입니다. (apikeys.datacommons.org에서 Data Commons의 API 키가 필요합니다.)... calling HF Pipeline API "What progress has Pakistan made against health goa..." ... calling DC with "what was the life expectancy in Pakistan in 2000?" ... calling DC with "what was the life expectancy in Pakistan in 2020?" ... calling DC with "what was the maternal mortality rate in Pakistan in 2000?" ... calling DC with "what was the maternal mortality rate in Pakistan in 2018?"🙋‍♂️What progress has Pakistan made against health goals?🤖 Pakistan has made some progress against its health goals, but significant challenges remain.Here are some key points:Progress made:Increased life expectancy: Life expectancy at birth has increased from [DC#1(62.102 yr [1] || 61.8 years)] in 2000 to [DC#2(66.269 yr [2] || 67.2 years)] in 2020.Reduced maternal mortality: Maternal mortality ratio has declined from [DC#3(387.3715 Per 100,000 live births [3]* || 276 per 100,000 live births)] in 2000 to [DC#4(177.7277 Per 100,000 live births [4]* || 140)] in 2018.Improved immunization coverage: Immunization coverage for key vaccines like measles and polio has improved, though challenges like vaccine hesitancy persist.Expansion of healthcare infrastructure: The government has invested in expanding healthcare facilities, particularly in rural areas.Challenges remaining:High burden of infectious diseases: Pakistan still faces a significant burden from infectious diseases like tuberculosis, malaria, and HIV/AIDS.Rising non-communicable diseases: There is a growing prevalence of non-communicable diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, largely attributed to lifestyle factors and aging population.Malnutrition: Malnutrition, both undernutrition and overnutrition, remains a serious public health problem, affecting a large proportion of the population.Limited access to healthcare: Access to quality healthcare remains limited, especially in rural and underserved areas.Inadequate healthcare financing: Pakistan's healthcare system is underfunded, leading to shortages of essential medicines, supplies, and trained personnel.Weak health system: The public health system faces numerous weaknesses, including lack of coordination, poor management, and insufficient capacity.Key initiatives and programs:National Health Vision 2016-2025: This strategic document outlines the government's plan for improving health outcomes and strengthening the healthcare system.Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI): The EPI aims to provide routine vaccinations to all children and pregnant women.Lady Health Worker Program: This program empowers women as community-based health workers, providing essential healthcare services at the grassroots level.Conclusion:Pakistan has made progress in achieving some of its health goals, but significant challenges remain. Addressing these challenges will require sustained commitment from the government, civil society, and the private sector, as well as increased investment in public health infrastructure and human resources.Note:This information is based on publicly available data and reports. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to relevant Pakistani government and international organizations like the WHO.FOOTNOTES[1] - Per datacatalog.worldbank.org, value was 62.102 yr in 2000. See more at https://datacommons.org/explore#q=what%20was%20the%20life%20expectancy%20in%20Pakistan%20in%202000%3F&mode=toolformer_rig [2] - Per datacatalog.worldbank.org, value was 66.269 yr in 2020. See more at https://datacommons.org/explore#q=what%20was%20the%20life%20expectancy%20in%20Pakistan%20in%202020%3F&mode=toolformer_rig [3] - Per Global SDG Database, value was 387.3715 Per 100,000 live births in 2000. See more at https://datacommons.org/explore#q=what%20was%20the%20maternal%20mortality%20rate%20in%20Pakistan%20in%202000%3F&mode=toolformer_rig [4] - Per Global SDG Database, value was 177.7277 Per 100,000 live births in 2018. See more at https://datacommons.org/explore#q=what%20was%20the%20maternal%20mortality%20rate%20in%20Pakistan%20in%202018%3F&mode=toolformer_rigRetrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG)사용자 쿼리 입력: 사용자가 질문을 입력합니다.쿼리 분석 및 변환: DataGemma 모델(Gemma 2 27B 기반)이 사용자의 질문을 분석하고, Data Commons가 이해할 수 있는 형태로 변환합니다.Data Commons 검색: 변환된 쿼리로 Data Commons에서 관련 데이터를 검색합니다.프롬프트 증강: 검색된 데이터를 원래 질문에 추가하여 '증강된 프롬프트'를 만듭니다.응답 생성: Gemini 1.5 Pro 모델이 이 증강된 프롬프트를 바탕으로 최종 응답을 생성합니다.아래는 제공된 코랩 소스코드 실행결과입니다. (Gemini 1.5 Pro의 API 키가 필요합니다.)... [RAG] Calling FINETUNED model for DC questions ... calling HF Pipeline API "" Your role is that of a Question Generator.  Give..." ... [RAG] Making DC Calls ... calling DC for table with "What is the rate of coal fired power in US?" ... calling DC for table with "What is highest rate of COPD in US states?" ... calling DC for table with "What is the rate of COPD in US?" ... calling DC for table with "What is the rate of coal fired power in US states?" ... calling DC for table with "How has the rate of COPD changed over time in US states?" ... calling DC for table with "How has the rate of coal fired power changed over time in US states?" ... calling DC for table with "What is the rate of COPD in US states?" ... [RAG] Calling UNTUNED model for final response ... calling AIStudio gemini-1.5-pro "Using statistics from the tables below, respond t..."🙋‍♂️Do the US states with high coal fired power also have high rates of COPD?🤖 To answer this query, we need to compare coal-fired power generation and COPD rates for each state.[Table 4] provides data on net coal-fired power generation for each state in 2020. [Table 5] provides data on COPD rates for each state from 2014 to 2021.Let's focus on the top 10 states with the highest coal-fired power generation in 2020 [Table 4]:Wyoming: 57220.4734 kWhWest Virginia: 28115.9007 kWhNorth Dakota: 32042.801 kWhKentucky: 9746.6756 kWhNebraska: 9734.179 kWhMissouri: 8413.2103 kWhMontana: 7903.9661 kWhUtah: 7017.4985 kWhIndiana: 7072.5945 kWhArkansas: 5088.5615 kWhNow let's see their corresponding COPD rates in 2020 [Table 5]:Wyoming: 6.0342%West Virginia: 9.9151%North Dakota: 5.4658%Kentucky: 8.9724%Nebraska: 5.0078%Missouri: 7.1813%Montana: 5.9228%Utah: 4.7961%Indiana: 7.4786%Arkansas: 7.7975%Observations:States like West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, and Arkansas have both high coal-fired power generation and high COPD rates.However, states like Wyoming, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Utah have high coal-fired power generation but relatively lower COPD rates.Conclusion:While some states with high coal-fired power generation also exhibit high COPD rates, there isn't a simple direct correlation. Other factors likely contribute to COPD prevalence, including smoking rates, air pollution from other sources, and access to healthcare. TABLESTable 1: Net Generation, Coal, All Sectors, Annual in United States (unit: kWh), according to eia.govdate | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual2020 | 2348.536 2019 | 2938.985 2018 | 3516.992 2017 | 3708.8687 2016 | 3835.5215 2015 | 4216.5069 2014 | 4967.8966 2013 | 5002.5786 2012 | 4823.6722 2011 | 5563.2924 2010 | 5971.9631 2009 | 5723.8175 2008 | 6530.2225 2007 | 6694.0461 2006 | 6671.0628 2005 | 6811.3705 2004 | 6756.3687 2003 | 6803.4567 2002 | 6721.005 2001 | 6681.275Table 2: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in States of United States (2020 to 2021) (unit: %), according to cdc.govrank | place | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease1 | West Virginia | 9.6571 2 | Kentucky | 8.5592 3 | Tennessee | 7.8078 4 | Louisiana | 7.7418 5 | Arkansas | 7.6916 6 | Ohio | 7.67 7 | Mississippi | 7.5369 8 | Indiana | 7.505 9 | Alabama | 7.302 10 | Missouri | 7.2912Table 3: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in United States (unit: %), according to cdc.govdate | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease2021 | 5.7 2020 | 5.6 2018 | 6.2Table 4: Net Generation, Coal, All Sectors, Annual in States of United States (2020) (unit: kWh), according to eia.govplace | variable | dataAlabama | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 4415.2052 Alaska | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 1017.6891 Arizona | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 1852.3798 Arkansas | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 5088.5615 California | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 7.3738 Colorado | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 3353.8821 Connecticut | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | -5.3645 Delaware | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 103.6413 District of Columbia | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | N/A Florida | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 766.9396 Georgia | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 1300.7158 Hawaii | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 828.1036 Idaho | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 10.7719 Illinois | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 2463.8986 Indiana | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 7072.5945 Iowa | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 4474.708 Kansas | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 5820.5127 Kentucky | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 9746.6756 Louisiana | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 843.5718 Maine | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 44.046 Maryland | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 554.7671 Massachusetts | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | N/A Michigan | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 2809.7405 Minnesota | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 2485.0872 Mississippi | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 1548.3168 Missouri | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 8413.2103 Montana | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 7903.9661 Nebraska | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 9734.179 Nevada | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 622.3837 New Hampshire | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 94.0383 New Jersey | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 103.2065 New Mexico | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 6071.3426 New York | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 7.431 North Carolina | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 1961.5495 North Dakota | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 32042.801 Ohio | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 3848.8873 Oklahoma | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 1491.5433 Oregon | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 384.3315 Pennsylvania | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 1863.4167 Puerto Rico | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | N/A Rhode Island | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | N/A South Carolina | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 2387.696 South Dakota | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 1846.2985 Tennessee | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 2068.4791 Texas | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 2684.7152 Utah | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 7017.4985 Vermont | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | N/A Virginia | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 438.015 Washington | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 672.0405 West Virginia | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 28115.9007 Wisconsin | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 4076.1819 Wyoming | Net generation, coal, all sectors, annual | 57220.4734Table 5: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (unit: %), according to cdc.govdate | Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | District of Columbia | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming2021 | 7.302 | 6.0817 | 5.8253 | 7.6916 | 4.9821 | 5.1472 | 5.3503 | 5.8549 | 4.6658 | | 6.1714 | 3.8794 | 6.0132 | 5.7013 | 7.505 | 6.0833 | 5.974 | 8.5592 | 7.7418 | 6.9312 | 4.9971 | 5.615 | 6.9539 | 4.6899 | 7.5369 | 7.2912 | 5.8638 | 5.395 | 6.5995 | 5.914 | 5.0972 | 5.8554 | 5.7765 | 6.3108 | 5.3394 | 7.67 | 7.2801 | 5.9295 | 6.3907 | 5.6575 | 6.4553 | 5.7036 | 7.8078 | 6.2384 | 4.9599 | 5.6352 | 5.8187 | 5.1331 | 9.6571 | 5.2912 | 6.2802 2020 | 7.7289 | 5.46 | 5.9513 | 7.7975 | 5.329 | 5.0064 | 5.3593 | 6.0939 | 4.1492 | 6.9057 | 6.3432 | 3.9161 | 5.8348 | 5.5743 | 7.4786 | 5.7852 | 5.6744 | 8.9724 | 7.3701 | 7.1699 | 4.998 | 4.9913 | 6.9004 | 4.487 | 7.1294 | 7.1813 | 5.9228 | 5.0078 | 6.465 | 5.521 | 5.0041 | 5.429 | 5.4751 | 6.0331 | 5.4658 | 7.9603 | 7.6301 | 5.6906 | 6.6151 | 6.3488 | 6.6951 | 5.4311 | 7.7181 | 5.9148 | 4.7961 | 5.6266 | 5.5442 | 5.1441 | 9.9151 | 5.3852 | 6.0342 2018 | 8.2006 | 6.3722 | 6.4581 | 8.1042 | 5.3041 | 4.9572 | 5.5282 | 6.6358 | 5.35 | 7.3526 | 7.0336 | 4.3386 | 6.1369 | 6.3996 | 8.3839 | 5.8288 | 6.2735 | 9.6728 | 8.4607 | 6.813 | 5.7739 | 5.4893 | 7.9249 | 4.4406 | 8.2959 | 7.5731 | 5.9336 | 5.8168 | 7.1508 | 6.6299 | 5.5678 | 6.0615 | 6.4033 | 7.0272 | 5.589 | 8.0435 | 7.774 | 6.4748 | 6.7851 | 6.8116 | 6.9505 | 5.3219 | 8.5731 | 6.2627 | 4.8334 | 5.9171 | 6.0721 | 5.2125 | 10.822 | 5.7118 | 6.3916 2017 | 8.3059 | 4.8 | 6.1673 | 7.3185 | 5.0584 | 4.884 | 6.4893 | 8.2 | 5.4 | 7.7177 | 6.9828 | 3.6 | 5.1086 | 6.6115 | 8.1239 | 6.3253 | 6.068 | 9.005 | 7.8895 | 6 | 7.4 | 6.55 | 8.361 | 4.4791 | 7.4898 | 7.8648 | 5.6545 | 5.5118 | 7.1132 | 6.8018 | 7.2777 | 5.1594 | 5.8057 | 6.4583 | 5.1 | 9.0961 | 7.6392 | 5.2816 | 7.4733 | 7.147 | 6.277 | 4.8188 | 8.4465 | 5.6736 | 4.8732 | 6.1 | 6.6287 | 5.4563 | 9.6 | 5.832 | 5.8 2016 | 7.9354 | 5.4 | 6.1259 | 7.4885 | 5.32 | 4.8841 | 6.6088 | 7.6 | 5.5 | 7.0274 | 7.0388 | 3.9 | 5.3903 | 6.1476 | 7.5212 | 5.8964 | 6.0396 | 8.8365 | 7.2624 | 6.2 | 7.4 | 6.6496 | 8.8386 | 4.4806 | 7.601 | 7.6386 | 5.9688 | 5.6184 | 6.7245 | 6.7892 | 7.5322 | 5.3767 | 6.2125 | 5.9905 | 4.9 | 8.8549 | 7.0475 | 5.8207 | 7.296 | 7.5307 | 6.5656 | 5.627 | 8.4812 | 5.8098 | 5.0269 | 6 | 6.0687 | 5.6983 | 9.3 | 6.3976 | 6 2015 | 8.0367 | 4.9 | 6.2763 | 7.0993 | 4.9888 | 5.083 | 6.4341 | 7.5 | 5.3 | 6.6414 | 6.893 | 4 | 5.314 | 5.8449 | 7.3449 | 6.0286 | 5.9755 | 8.9068 | 6.9455 | 6.5 | 7.7 | 6.7567 | 8.1416 | 4.7548 | 7.0749 | 7.2898 | 5.566 | 5.4486 | 6.8516 | 6.8112 | 6.6502 | 5.5384 | 5.8924 | 6.0714 | 5.1 | 8.8204 | 6.961 | 5.4328 | 7.4508 | 6.848 | 6.3354 | 5.2279 | 8.2169 | 5.9321 | 4.8667 | 5.8 | 5.9793 | 5.5045 | 8.5 | 6.1144 | 6.6 2014 | 8.3481 | 5 | 6.6436 | 7.6951 | 5.4254 | 4.847 | 6.4958 | 7.2 | 5.1 | 6.8535 | 6.9082 | 3.7 | 5.335 | 5.9973 | 8.085 | 5.7719 | 6.3163 | 9.112 | 7.058 | 6.4 | 8 | 7.4905 | 8.5497 | 4.7214 | 7.2584 | 7.4483 | 5.9609 | 5.6251 | 7.2217 | 6.7471 | 7.1785 | 5.3928 | 6.1946 | 6.2976 | 4.5 | 9.3054 | 7.1848 | 5.6487 | 7.4678 | 6.6089 | 6.5081 | 5.4514 | 8.3177 | 5.7875 | 4.6279 | 5.9 | 6.2613 | 5.7134 | 8.5 | 5.9432 | 6.4Table 6: Net Generation, Coal, All Sectors, Annual (unit: kWh), according to eia.govdate | Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming2020 | 4415.2052 | 1017.6891 | 1852.3798 | 5088.5615 | 7.3738 | 3353.8821 | -5.3645 | 103.6413 | 766.9396 | 1300.7158 | 828.1036 | 10.7719 | 2463.8986 | 7072.5945 | 4474.708 | 5820.5127 | 9746.6756 | 843.5718 | 44.046 | 554.7671 | | 2809.7405 | 2485.0872 | 1548.3168 | 8413.2103 | 7903.9661 | 9734.179 | 622.3837 | 94.0383 | 103.2065 | 6071.3426 | 7.431 | 1961.5495 | 32042.801 | 3848.8873 | 1491.5433 | 384.3315 | 1863.4167 | 2387.696 | 1846.2985 | 2068.4791 | 2684.7152 | 7017.4985 | 438.015 | 672.0405 | 28115.9007 | 4076.1819 | 57220.4734 2019 | 5430.9816 | 931.0963 | 3184.1024 | 7717.0859 | 6.0971 | 4397.0764 | 14.877 | 121.9658 | 988.6534 | 2375.3538 | 919.7034 | 11.7427 | 3851.6031 | 9027.1454 | 7013.3025 | 5944.6517 | 11563.1575 | 1592.6063 | 52.7977 | 944.9408 | | 3739.8354 | 3156.8033 | 1482.204 | 9068.726 | 13176.6738 | 10548.3435 | 885.0403 | 252.0721 | 117.1407 | 6997.2505 | 21.6795 | 2920.7675 | 32932.6266 | 3998.1619 | 1975.9397 | 609.3664 | 2963.4563 | 2881.418 | 2950.0526 | 2736.6441 | 3167.5368 | 7879.4904 | 399.4687 | 941.6967 | 32408.4154 | 4521.4223 | 60980.6111 2018 | 6496.3076 | 853.3038 | 4291.4077 | 9958.3324 | 7.1335 | 4630.7429 | 92.2353 | 282.7222 | 1424.244 | 3059.1658 | 921.3696 | 11.608 | 4687.1042 | 11563.1034 | 9064.7318 | 7029.0952 | 13253.7018 | 2526.9268 | 52.8517 | 1666.1153 | | 4238.4752 | 4181.9133 | 1770.1165 | 10342.0307 | 12582.2186 | 12103.3825 | 819.9509 | 487.2886 | 134.202 | 6400.7193 | 35.3245 | 3049.6946 | 36234.7612 | 5027.6094 | 3780.0919 | 352.9049 | 3441.7922 | 3829.2666 | 2660.1932 | 3093.2659 | 3903.0339 | 8212.7472 | 1088.7513 | 715.1606 | 34352.4086 | 5736.0216 | 68524.3293 2017 | 6445.3612 | 749.9589 | 4454.561 | 8750.5671 | 7.3998 | 5205.6302 | 55.2422 | 374.5499 | 1788.273 | 3118.6485 | 964.9037 | 13.8605 | 4536.8366 | 10865.2383 | 8066.2771 | 6661.1097 | 12846.0 | 2635.1705 | 50.8596 | 1412.3666 | 165.5581 | 4211.8465 | 4090.6339 | 1547.554 | 11048.0646 | 13155.5169 | 11045.1669 | 627.7021 | 212.7385 | 136.8217 | 8798.7841 | 39.3132 | 3353.5401 | 35356.8389 | 5858.5083 | 4415.2545 | 416.6825 | 3722.9751 | 3610.777 | 2360.5207 | 4127.5241 | 4759.4021 | 8503.0538 | 1266.2506 | 739.0334 | 37581.5958 | 6188.73 | 69084.45 2016 | 7039.1708 | 800.1063 | 4377.8851 | 7955.0609 | 8.1451 | 5402.1497 | 49.5472 | 504.5846 | 1911.5245 | 3675.6742 | 1047.9356 | 17.3323 | 4627.9168 | 10927.1158 | 8042.3422 | 7928.6805 | 15048.976 | 2566.2809 | 52.4061 | 2301.6782 | 274.6235 | 4071.3679 | 4199.9596 | 1786.2753 | 9902.8217 | 13692.2707 | 11485.922 | 742.1784 | 314.0723 | 148.1409 | 8776.4813 | 90.1509 | 3683.9706 | 35153.8916 | 5908.4888 | 4877.125 | 463.7372 | 4275.104 | 4231.8723 | 2411.3666 | 4685.9623 | 4343.0055 | 8520.8244 | 1960.097 | 630.3768 | 39026.1925 | 5776.9452 | 68393.597 2015 | 8529.7858 | 904.0116 | 5293.1618 | 7295.9692 | 7.6566 | 5782.7279 | 167.3286 | 635.3999 | 2121.9533 | 3646.2087 | 939.8546 | 47.8021 | 5736.8652 | 11832.621 | 9547.0563 | 8449.2358 | 16396.1082 | 3249.4031 | 69.1456 | 2325.3801 | 331.3968 | 5323.2798 | 4503.4808 | 2140.1709 | 10752.4447 | 15524.269 | 12782.5934 | 926.3588 | 700.3186 | 198.3127 | 9779.3481 | 121.0778 | 3977.4136 | 36708.213 | 6169.9868 | 6359.0122 | 591.5975 | 5053.796 | 4622.3745 | 1749.3204 | 4637.5572 | 4425.2197 | 10610.0729 | 2059.3763 | 704.8573 | 36920.1495 | 6451.6776 | 73485.6713 2014 | 9765.5232 | 757.4428 | 6336.8209 | 11190.1151 | 20.8559 | 6080.1524 | 229.4264 | 927.3984 | 2621.8396 | 4497.4874 | 1067.7216 | 47.5855 | 6773.9051 | 14789.0324 | 10844.3063 | 9908.2217 | 18927.3517 | 4137.1665 | 59.4223 | 2953.5406 | 413.1478 | 5326.1849 | 5127.1588 | 3590.5594 | 11950.4305 | 15234.253 | 13256.7933 | 2322.8147 | 982.5684 | 284.0902 | 9738.4369 | 233.6515 | 4954.8893 | 37082.3517 | 7743.8062 | 7709.3349 | 805.1029 | 6174.4222 | 5990.2957 | 3165.012 | 5481.5403 | 5495.4278 | 11359.0787 | 2503.6089 | 952.1642 | 41886.9251 | 6509.2941 | 74437.0764 2013 | 9738.1034 | 846.7987 | 6555.2989 | 10771.7197 | 21.5187 | 6394.3999 | 189.2914 | 1671.6633 | 2370.2597 | 4033.1307 | 996.4026 | 56.8332 | 6818.2889 | 14104.084 | 10763.7507 | 10284.7667 | 18902.8903 | 4505.7355 | 47.2335 | 2622.4392 | 589.5958 | 5677.5166 | 4343.3067 | 2910.2888 | 12593.9031 | 14672.5614 | 14346.0793 | 1892.199 | 1102.6611 | 228.2298 | 11537.1226 | 239.3248 | 4780.4979 | 37997.456 | 8166.3558 | 7784.1975 | 957.9231 | 6920.6891 | 5120.593 | 3381.0502 | 5000.1717 | 5642.2296 | 11827.4031 | 2563.0884 | 967.5827 | 38972.1833 | 7083.4953 | 79703.2004 2012 | 9468.6328 | 937.2602 | 6118.6028 | 9628.2167 | 36.2393 | 6646.7617 | 181.5988 | 1553.9864 | 2294.392 | 4111.1446 | 1101.8789 | 48.0836 | 6273.8955 | 14139.9828 | 11482.9842 | 9695.8761 | 18861.4892 | 4654.8364 | 34.0772 | 2748.5975 | 320.6536 | 5368.2441 | 4225.5276 | 2416.3959 | 12076.781 | 13929.3343 | 13496.9721 | 1486.3104 | 957.0009 | 214.5089 | 11971.964 | 232.5 | 5222.8437 | 40178.4097 | 7409.6486 | 7671.9828 | 675.4527 | 6824.9171 | 6017.3728 | 3500.2992 | 5486.473 | 5293.9575 | 10791.0108 | 1732.0148 | 545.4668 | 37830.1326 | 5726.1732 | 75281.9117 2011 | 11835.748 | 908.6816 | 6751.041 | 10002.6574 | 52.6668 | 6629.3146 | 146.52 | 1603.1423 | 2728.3813 | 6136.4352 | 1032.2375 | 52.65 | 6995.2474 | 15981.0654 | 12465.6675 | 11031.154 | 20969.9994 | 5381.601 | 41.5261 | 3605.8334 | 613.6489 | 5964.5809 | 5285.3253 | 3263.7231 | 13028.3612 | 15093.1836 | 14104.5388 | 1993.0251 | 1672.3188 | 470.6431 | 13044.0583 | 483.3948 | 6186.8615 | 39544.709 | 9123.4518 | 9100.1712 | 860.7794 | 7892.2626 | 7312.4485 | 3138.8121 | 6371.1446 | 6156.8895 | 11772.6654 | 2453.7202 | 765.8149 | 40915.5779 | 6999.4492 | 72179.9089 2010 | 13175.2641 | 868.9901 | 6811.5307 | 9634.6558 | 56.2767 | 6846.7604 | 727.6538 | 2854.8642 | 3178.233 | 7547.0 | 1133.071 | 56.1986 | 7290.2953 | 17306.3255 | 13531.7557 | 11372.2981 | 20939.3152 | 5264.1739 | 65.6748 | 4088.6316 | 1264.9001 | 6641.7343 | 5287.6857 | 4587.9378 | 12516.0298 | 18774.6755 | 12769.3981 | 2589.2124 | 2340.9981 | 729.3513 | 12408.0284 | 700.1442 | 7514.812 | 42181.4836 | 10210.8869 | 8371.0159 | 1075.2606 | 8682.6974 | 8126.0503 | 4041.024 | 6871.2253 | 5949.3481 | 12271.062 | 3172.8824 | 1264.559 | 42144.7652 | 7058.8638 | 76145.5499 2009 | 11687.568 | 902.2695 | 6259.7908 | 8656.0612 | 55.4621 | 6362.5869 | 688.835 | 3193.9835 | 2895.1966 | 7221.6306 | 1113.9429 | 53.1155 | 7030.4306 | 16768.2688 | 12315.5413 | 11382.4259 | 19466.332 | 5135.5619 | 54.2619 | 4216.5287 | 1385.1866 | 6751.2063 | 5553.1336 | 4379.4025 | 12013.1157 | 15865.4112 | 12881.3369 | 2808.5204 | 2192.5872 | 582.4692 | 14295.6008 | 660.8395 | 6887.3832 | 44523.8952 | 9863.2165 | 9161.6536 | 839.3902 | 8326.8112 | 7511.6501 | 3986.4754 | 6602.1432 | 5608.7387 | 13044.6693 | 3229.8122 | 1121.5382 | 36844.2585 | 6575.8085 | 74938.2717 2008 | 15812.0794 | 898.8179 | 6980.5308 | 9084.7673 | 62.2986 | 7122.5906 | 1237.2049 | 5958.8978 | 3498.8041 | 8994.4944 | 1236.7331 | 58.9509 | 7581.6859 | 18994.5168 | 13395.3166 | 12109.0961 | 21357.3878 | 5433.339 | 264.4096 | 4787.7584 | 1643.0271 | 7022.8426 | 6052.0571 | 5659.5998 | 12412.6777 | 18774.3249 | 11957.2677 | 2944.0248 | 2622.3527 | 1036.4365 | 13435.4919 | 996.965 | 8143.8533 | 45124.1319 | 11349.533 | 9897.8345 | 1073.12 | 9322.9269 | 9171.9433 | 4580.6187 | 9133.084 | 6052.5569 | 14277.1132 | 4056.4718 | 1335.1624 | 48423.0809 | 7393.3505 | 80227.9364 2007 | 16690.869 | 942.8331 | 6692.2012 | 9037.3264 | 63.401 | 7480.5842 | 1059.9479 | 6448.9004 | 3697.1199 | 9657.5021 | 1200.0922 | 55.5205 | 7503.6168 | 19249.3129 | 12665.1822 | 13021.9335 | 21256.761 | 5268.1421 | 283.0186 | 5253.3244 | 1869.5851 | 7080.1508 | 6181.8932 | 5944.414 | 12752.9045 | 19028.3615 | 11006.7685 | 2726.1493 | 2992.2252 | 1176.6312 | 13870.6917 | 1118.8149 | 8771.9581 | 44673.0552 | 11576.1097 | 9475.6826 | 1169.0318 | 9765.4974 | 9356.8047 | 3354.2906 | 9753.8849 | 6179.884 | 14308.864 | 4569.8292 | 1324.2593 | 50089.2367 | 7134.1748 | 80629.5463 2006 | 16873.8364 | 914.2858 | 6707.8967 | 8570.1978 | 62.0563 | 7683.5116 | 1217.218 | 5782.6098 | 3601.2205 | 9447.9853 | 1182.3765 | 56.0384 | 7248.4253 | 19525.0165 | 11535.1327 | 12045.679 | 21614.914 | 5669.7895 | 242.7148 | 5225.8938 | 1737.628 | 6753.6482 | 6404.5897 | 6232.5199 | 13255.7808 | 17933.4769 | 11667.304 | 2875.3485 | 2969.6314 | 1254.0208 | 15217.5959 | 1097.5266 | 8465.2596 | 44468.7601 | 11618.995 | 9747.119 | 645.7923 | 9796.1613 | 9057.8779 | 4234.7015 | 9935.9781 | 6266.8653 | 14593.3272 | 4468.2525 | 1000.3249 | 50042.5188 | 7192.3578 | 82063.3916 2005 | 17096.6721 | 936.0845 | 6874.9794 | 8283.4736 | 59.6008 | 7679.4031 | 1139.5899 | 5718.3267 | 3503.8207 | 9767.3113 | 1261.6086 | 66.6423 | 7316.8834 | 19563.7826 | 11554.3482 | 12559.9182 | 21297.7786 | 5044.6234 | 242.8531 | 5239.7722 | 1879.2756 | 6996.5195 | 6436.022 | 5724.7798 | 13373.4969 | 18958.9417 | 11818.454 | 7558.8734 | 3136.7055 | 1343.6724 | 15498.4479 | 1076.5724 | 9009.998 | 46833.7319 | 11935.9486 | 10231.8061 | 959.3944 | 9713.5222 | 9295.2376 | 3863.7963 | 9856.6039 | 6513.1803 | 14635.6866 | 4675.252 | 1677.1449 | 50215.548 | 7523.9929 | 84304.3577 2004 | 16516.4644 | 984.3675 | 7043.1194 | 9220.5302 | 62.9047 | 7835.6915 | 1217.0931 | 5709.94 | 3724.4094 | 9116.2807 | 1259.2575 | 71.2767 | 7498.2788 | 19359.9866 | 11941.9618 | 12651.2901 | 20771.4455 | 5196.9628 | 273.5886 | 5263.3496 | 1641.594 | 6822.8613 | 6682.8077 | 6049.7154 | 13052.7028 | 18688.2364 | 11693.9728 | 7781.559 | 3159.4517 | 1195.4845 | 15371.2449 | 1192.0102 | 8832.5468 | 43530.3345 | 11190.532 | 9588.4118 | 996.1334 | 9441.4961 | 9243.1609 | 4698.8834 | 9822.6202 | 6648.4104 | 15247.4013 | 4769.6674 | 1684.7271 | 48217.7744 | 7643.8117 | 85140.8945 2003 | 17030.4306 | 847.7053 | 6912.6847 | 8625.9645 | 65.9886 | 7974.7759 | 1205.4799 | 4922.3487 | 3979.9013 | 9119.8396 | 1314.0964 | 66.2251 | 7007.1127 | 19003.2537 | 12175.3763 | 12893.7071 | 20417.068 | 5062.7554 | 288.1961 | 5447.1653 | 1696.5947 | 6749.9708 | 7055.5102 | 5955.6297 | 12998.1688 | 18538.5807 | 12052.0274 | 7597.6428 | 3065.4637 | 1138.1357 | 15345.7834 | 1229.7216 | 8878.1504 | 46065.3223 | 11785.8886 | 10464.3242 | 1213.5302 | 9374.7944 | 9019.1191 | 4492.697 | 9391.7688 | 6671.9609 | 15244.3049 | 5035.0817 | 1816.7738 | 51023.1408 | 7613.738 | 84102.0949 2002 | 16080.4091 | 895.6171 | 7083.9186 | 8536.2133 | 66.7533 | 7880.8578 | 933.0547 | 4296.3262 | 3950.2026 | 9264.898 | 1246.9997 | 67.6476 | 6920.6786 | 19113.1142 | 12054.9547 | 13034.3589 | 20361.0736 | 4903.1792 | 466.0159 | 5277.5735 | 1792.503 | 6659.4887 | 6758.4476 | 5195.8029 | 11883.18 | 16823.9379 | 11539.6629 | 7550.4154 | 2933.1166 | 1123.051 | 14500.4848 | 1214.3043 | 9030.2577 | 46400.8286 | 11654.4845 | 10307.8112 | 1075.7836 | 9237.3817 | 8994.5389 | 4304.5222 | 10301.3329 | 6539.6549 | 14834.6096 | 5226.1623 | 1430.9824 | 51484.7653 | 7310.6152 | 83843.4713 2001 | 16160.2571 | 890.9271 | 7596.7894 | 9200.7497 | 64.7589 | 8123.2649 | 1088.2498 | 4233.3935 | 4171.1732 | 8900.6617 | 1308.9984 | 54.7622 | 6369.9393 | 18941.0995 | 11823.0322 | 11756.5124 | 22319.4769 | 4905.931 | 410.9942 | 5280.1936 | 1727.4094 | 6832.3836 | 6385.8049 | 6728.393 | 11655.2079 | 18783.4791 | 11767.8116 | 8452.6203 | 2952.0899 | 1097.3038 | 15506.001 | 1227.9055 | 8886.3195 | 45186.8129 | 10907.9502 | 9984.0697 | 1281.7571 | 9098.3593 | 9028.0564 | 4764.9254 | 10386.4065 | 6336.8816 | 14747.5968 | 5247.0147 | 1517.3371 | 44526.922 | 7629.8714 | 86502.991다양한 Gemma 활용 사례 발굴에 기여하세요~! 구글코리아 후원으로 AIFactory에서는 현재 Gemma 파인튜닝톤을 진행하고 있습니다. 구글 굿즈와 세미나가 준비되어 있고 다양한 토론 정보까지 함께 나누고 있으니 많은 관심부탁드립니다. (아래 배너 클릭)

AF 김태영

인공지능팩토리, 엔비디아 인셉션 프로그램 선정

 안녕하세요~! 인공지능팩토리입니다 😁 최근에 좋은 소식이 있어 전해드리려 합니다. 이번에 저희 인공지능팩토리가 엔비디아 인셉션 프로그램에 선정이 되었습니다.2016년부터 시작된 해당 프로그램은, 인공지능 기반의 첨단 서비스를 다루는 스타트업 기업들을 육성하는 목적으로 인공지능 산업의 세계적 선두기업인 엔비디아가 운영중입니다. 현재 전 세계 약 2,000개 이상의 스타트업이 회원사로 등록되어 안정적인 시장 안착과 함께 원활한 제품, 서비스 개발 환경 조성 등 지원을 받고 있습니다.저희는 이번 프로그램 선정을 통해 인공지능팩토리 자체 플랫폼에 'NVIDIA NIM(NVIDIA Infrastructure Manager)을 연동하여 개인 혹은 크라우드 소싱을 통해 개발한 인공지능 모델을 쉽고 빠르게 서빙할 수 있도록 환경을 구축할 예정입니다. 또한, NVIDIA GPU를 활용하여 온프레미스 환경에서 강력하고 안정적인 AI 모델 구축/관리를 하여 고객사의 만족도 상승을 높여 나갈 계획입니다.관련기사1인공지능팩토리, 엔비디아 인셉션 프로그램에 선정…AI 플랫폼 강화 기대헬로T2인공지능팩토리, 엔비디아 인셉션 프로그램 선정AI타임스3인공지능팩토리, 엔비디아 인셉션 프로그램 선정일간투데이4인공지능팩토리, 엔비디아 인셉션 프로그램 선정시사타임즈5인공지능팩토리, 엔비디아 인셉션 프로그램 선정한국투데이6인공지능팩토리, 엔비디아 인셉션 프로그램 선정인사이드비나7인공지능팩토리, 엔비디아 인셉션 프로그램 선정돼이슈앤비즈


--sref 1970566463 --v 6.1

인물 잘 나오는 귀한 sref seed .prompt : photo of cute Korean girl --stylize 250 --style raw --sref 1970566463 --v 6.1.

느리게걷기 조남경

--sref 3963567759 --niji 6

Artwork style~~ Pink Pink.p : cute girl --niji 6 --sref 3963567759.  

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글로벌 생성형AI 컨퍼런스 <Gen AI Innovation 2024>에 초대드립니다.

안녕하세요. 국제인공지능윤리협회에서 말씀 올립니다. ^^다음달 10/4일(금) 서울 양재 aT센터에서, 국제인공지능윤리협회와 국내 최대 AI 커뮤니티인 'AI코리아커뮤니티'가 공동으로 글로벌 생성형 AI 컨퍼런스인 <Gen AI Innovation 2024 in Korea>를 개최합니다.이번 컨퍼런스는 단순한 강연식이 아닌, 국내 최초로 참여형 AI 컨퍼런스로 진행됩니다. 참가자가 직접 강연자와 함께 생성형 AI 도구를 실습하고 교육하며 참여하는 참여형 컨퍼런스로 진행되기 때문에, 생성형 AI의 최신 기술과 노하우, 업무와 삶에 효과적인 활용 방법들을 습득할 수 있습니다.해외 연사진 4명, 국내 연사진 5명으로 총 9명의 AI 전문가들이 풍성하고 유익한 강연과 교육을 진행하며, 특히 FREEPIK, MAGNIFIC과 같은 글로벌 생성형AI 기업의 현직 대표와 임원이 직접 강연하며, 해외의 최신 생성형 AI 기술과 트렌드를 전달하고, 국내 사용자들에게 생성형 AI를 통해 업무와 삶을 업그레이드하는 생생한 방법들을 공유합니다.또한 참가자 전원 고급 점심 도시락과 다과가 제공되며, 강연자, 참가자들간 네트워킹과 교류를 위해 컨퍼런스 종료 후 참가자 전원, 이태원 소재 고급 멕시칸 레스토랑인 '비스트로 멕시'(서울 용산구 이태원로 191 2층)에 초대하여 즐거운 저녁식사 겸 네트워킹 파티로 피날레를 장식합니다.생성형 AI에 관심이 있으시고, 배워보고자 하는 분들의 많은 참여를 바라고요, 컨퍼런스의 자세한 내용은 포스터와 공식 홈페이지를 확인해주시면 감사하겠습니다. ^^ ■ Gen AI Innovation 2024 공식 홈페이지 : https://www.genaiinnovationkorea.com■ 컨퍼런스 강연자 소개 : https://www.genaiinnovationkorea.com/speakers■ 컨퍼런스 프로그램 일정표 : https://www.genaiinnovationkorea.com/schedule■ 컨퍼런스 브로셔 : https://url.kr/n9rw6z■ 네트워킹 파티 장소 : https://naver.me/F5ClC91W ▶ 컨퍼런스 참가 신청 하기 : https://event-us.kr/generativeai/event/86037     감사합니다.